Monday, July 13, 2009


Ok so I tend to think too much. I think I have always been this way. I must admit it has gotten me into lotsa trouble over the years. I have come to realise that the combination of over thinking situations and an overactive imagination is a recipe for disaster in most grown-up situations. Surprisingly, this realisation has done nothing to deter my mind from visualising worst case scenarios in most instances. My husband, in stark contrast to my constant neuroses, is as cool as a cucumber and just laughs at my absurdity. He is the yin to my yang. The kurrie to my kitchrie.

Anyway, so I need an outlet for the strange, somewhat irrational thoughts and questions that my mind begs to be answered. So, here I am. A new blogger. The world of blogging has always fascinated me. I have been wondering what the norm was. Like if something happened in your life would you put a reminder on your phone to blog about it? What if lotsa interesting things happened in one day? Would you save some for another day and blog about it as if it happened that very day? Story storing if I may call it that.
I have been having nightmares about blogging tho. In addition to being a thinkaholic, I am, the horror of all horrors, a peoples pleaser. I constantly seek approval and need people to like me and find me interesting. So my nightmares usually include (in frightening detail) oober dull posts to which nobody except my dear friend morena will comment (out of pity of course). Oh the shame and embarrassment of it all! So I decided to post blogs only when something really fun happens in my life. Im an accountant so expect blog updates say…. Every fourth month or so. J

To the person who inspired this blog (P), thank you J Even though you will probably be the only person reading my blog and we will probably discuss what I have said in depth over the phone seconds after I have posted it (LOL), know that you are truly my hero. From that shy quiet girl who used to finish the crusts of my sandwiches (another one of my many neuroses) to the brilliant (yes brilliant) intellectual woman you have become, I am truly proud to call you friend (sniff… LOL). I feel like Im writing in our scrap book again lol whatever happened to that thing? Hmmm…. Anyway its official Im a blogger! Yay!


  1. This day will be remembered forever in history. Dude...There comes a day when every crazy neurotic great thinker starts a blog. Its a milestone in your life. hehehehe omg this is going to be oodles of fun.

    I know you are going to rock this blog..cos thats how you roll..excellence is a habit of yours.

    And always remember, no matter what..I will eat those crusts of yours anyday :)

  2. Good start so far.

    I think the main thing is to write for yourself and not worry too much about how people are gonna perceive you, else it becomes arduous as I have found lately.

  3. Thanks Waseem. LOL You sound like a blogger critic. I am finding myself now so it's going good :)
